HOORAY!  HOORAY!  HOORAY!                                 (Photo Credit:  Hubby!)

Yay! I did it! I blogged every day for THIRTY days!

I’m a leaner writer for it too, no wasted words. I posted original work, no re-dos. Hubby told me I was defeating the purpose if I did. I guess it would be like double counting a workout on Tuesday to make up for not working out on Sunday. At times it was hard, like giving up chocolate, but I in the end, I’m really glad I took the challenge.

To my amazing followers: THANK YOU! As they say on the airplane, “I know you have choices out there. THANK YOU for choosing me.”

I’d like to especially thank Teresa Caldwell who posted a comment on EVERY post for thirty days. It’s like you were there at every mile mark for a marathon run.  Same for my sister Pam who emailed after every post.

And to my writing mentor, Elizabeth Fishel, I finally get it. Writing does beget writing.


What did I learn from this experience?

  • Doing anything for thirty days can create habit.  Choose wisely.
  • An hour here or twenty minutes there are suffice to do something. Two hours is a gift, stop waiting for it.
  • Perfection is subjective and sometimes just not worth it. Post anyway. (Non-blogger, do it anyway.)
  • Stop second-guessing. Someone out there will love what you do.
  • Don’t think too hard. Your imagination can make mountains out of molehills.
  • Just start. Who knows what will come from it?
  • Rest on Sundays. Everyone needs a break, blogger or reader. Runner or cheerleader. You get the idea.  Analytics proved it.
  • I am a happier person. Blogging is like exercise, you feel better afterward.  Once anything is routine, life is weird without, like a missing a cell phone.
  • Just like exercise, I can fit a blog post in at least twice a week. I don’t have to post every day; it’s exhausting but possible.  There is more room in the day when push comes to shove.  Practice for a month and you’ll see what I mean.
  • Meet new friends. You will get support and new ideas.
  • Tell your friends about your challenge. They want to support you, they really do.  You will be more accountable and likely to succeed.
  • You will be VERY happy and VERY proud when you finish.
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