Sharing Day: People Are Good In DC!

Sharing Day: People Are Good In DC!

On a recent business trip, Hubby dropped his wallet.  He was just 12 hours away from flying home, possibly without ID.  He called me in a panic in the hotel lobby of a new hotel he had yet to check into because, he was without ID and Credit Cards! Once his wife, me,...
Love: Stamped and Delivered.

Love: Stamped and Delivered.

Most days, I can say go well, maybe even spectacular,   But sometimes, a day can go wrong before it ever gets going. Say, the alarm didn’t go off so the early workout was a snooze-or-ama instead of sweat-fest. Say the peacefulness of morning coffee and news was...
Lucky Pennies Made My Day

Lucky Pennies Made My Day

Finding a penny is worth a lot. The monetary value isn’t saying much but the symbolism is priceless. I like to believe each coin is packed with luck. Some might say they are packed with love, a message from angels in heaven, say a grandparent or parent. “Hey, I’m...
Looking For Love

Looking For Love

I was never the type to dot an “i” with a heart or  finish off an exclamation point with a heart instead of period.  In fact, it took me awhile to even use the emoji with the “heart kiss” face.  So it may be surprising that one of my favorite...
Positivity Challenge: 100 Posts in 2017

Positivity Challenge: 100 Posts in 2017

I’m starting a positivity campaign and I hope you’ll join me. For 100 days in 2017, I pledge to post a happy, heartwarming or humorous message on my blog. While the type of message is in keeping with my blog’s mission, the frequency is ten times higher than in 2016....