Sweet Revenge. The Good Kind.

Revenge is sweet sometimes. Yes, the feeling of getting even is gratifying but often times it comes about by a mean act, sinful really. Sometimes revenge can be a way to settle the score, nicely. A time when nobody gets hurt but the message is heard. I found myself in...

Electronic Dance Music and Sriracha Festival

I was hip for two hours with my family at the Electronic Dance Music (EDM) and Sriracha Food Festival in San Jose. Food trucks featured the tasty hot sauce in their signature dishes be it tacos, poutines or cupcakes. I just knew my boys would like it, particularly the...

LA: It’s About the Doughnuts

Doughnuts and LA go together about as well as candy bars and diet pills, at least that’s what I used to think. To me, LA conjures up images of beaches, bikinis, movie stars and Malibu Barbie. A recent trip to LA was anything but a suntanned and slender experience. We...

Birthday Cake

A New Year literally means a new year for me.  My birthday is January 3rd.  I know a lot of people like to start off a new year with a cleanse, the detoxifying process of starting the body fresh, free from digestive irritants and maybe a few pounds too.  I’ve never...

Turkey Carving

Every Thanksgiving is a little different at our house.  Since living in California, away from parents and siblings, we sometimes eat with a lot of people and sometimes eat with just a few.  Sometimes we host and sometimes we are guests.  Sometimes we are with visiting...

A Guy for Everything

“I gotta guy…..”  It seems like there is a guy for everything:  Ant Guy.  Lawn Guy.  Window Guy.  No matter the situation, it’s almost always a “guy.”  My friend attempted to paint her own house.  A contractor friend saw her up on the roof prepping.  “What are you...