Wednesdays Are My Favorite Day

Wednesdays Are My Favorite Day

Wednesdays are my favorite day of the week right now. The only hard commitment in my day, besides the morning fire drill of making breakfasts and lunches for my teens, are guitar lessons for my youngest son.   At 3 o’clock, I battle the high school parking lot to pick...
Why I Work Out at 6 AM: My Son.

Why I Work Out at 6 AM: My Son.

How do you do it? Sometimes I wonder myself. I work out at 6 AM three days a week. People think I’m crazy and/or stupid. I can’t help it. I like getting it out of the way. Supposedly more calories are burned if I work out on an empty stomach first thing in the...
My Favorite Veteran: Dad

My Favorite Veteran: Dad

    For the past few years I’ve written something about Veteran’s Day, a holiday admittedly, I never thought about properly until my dad passed. It’s funny how you don’t know what absorbed into your being all your life until someone important in your life is...
I’m A Meatloaf Lover!

I’m A Meatloaf Lover!

Yep that’s me, a meatloaf lover and I’m not afraid to admit it, even in health-nut California. My youngest son kept asking to have it for dinner but I balked. He craves super American food while my other son prefers Japanese. My experience with American meatloaf was...

Seven Tips for Writing a College Essay

With just three weeks until the bulk of college applications are due, I thought I would share a few ways we helped our senior through the essay writing process. Based on my writing experience and the trial-by-fire efforts with our senior, my husband and I came up with...