Old School CD

Old School CD

Tuesday afternoon, I “Took It Easy” with The Eagles. I was skimming Facebook when I crossed the Rolling Stone tribute to Glenn Frey–20 Essential Songs. I started listening and decided, “I can’t sit here at 4:15 pm staring at a computer and listening to The Eagles.” My family just won’t understand and complain I’m interrupting their high-school-finals study time. Darn these teenagers that don’t appreciate my music any more than my own mother.


“I’m going for a walk,” I text to my husband two rooms away. He’s on a call for work.


My bright pink ear buds are strung from my ears to my smartphone, a stark contrast to my black and white sweatshirt and dark blue sweatpants. I start walking, singing quietly. My eyes dart around to see if anyone can hear me. Every once in awhile I belt out a chorus to Lyin’ Eyes or Take It Easy. I kind of wonder if I sound like those people at the gym that think they are rock stars as they spin on the bike and sing along with the music blaring through their headsets, clearly out of tune.


I carry on as long as I know I’m alone, singing whenever I want. Passing cars will just assume I’m talking on the phone. My mind is filled with memories of two chapters closing in my past, applicable to really anyone that was a tween in the 70s and a teen in the 80s. David Bowie’s departure was moving for sure. I messaged my BFF from high school, one of my dance buddies. She felt the same way, thinking of dance bars, college and old boyfriends. We started developing our sense of fashion then, mixing it up with Flash Dance, Madonna and Big Hair!


Days later after absorbing the loss of Bowie, Glenn Fry passes. When I finally had a moment to realize how many significant lights were extinguishing from the past, I got a little down. Dang! Is this how we know we are growing old? Did my dad feel this way when Glenn Miller or Nat King Cole passed?


I don’t know why I know so many of the lyrics to The Eagles. I was only seven when they had their first big hits. Classic tunes never grow old I guess. I throw off people ten years older than me when I can sing the words with them. “How old are you?!?”

Even hubby was shocked to learn “Lyin’ Eyes” and “Take It Easy” were from the early 70s. “But the band was popular in the 80s too?!?” The Eagles influenced two decades of teens and there are probably more in the ranks, not likely at my house however. The fan base continues to grow even if the band isn’t together any more.


So, when I stumbled upon the Facebook post featuring Glenn Frey, I just needed to get away. Sing for old times sake. I think I scared a couple of neighbors by accident when I was sure I was alone. An old man was bent over his garden when I hummed by him.  He popped his head up from behind a shrub and smiled. A hooded teenager scared me as I passed him in his driveway getting into his car. Thank goodness he doesn’t know me. My boys would be mortified.


Along the way, a rusty-colored bird landed 20 yards away from me. An Eagle? It was probably a red-tailed hawk but I was in the moment and saw what I wanted to see. Wow, was this like a sign, Glenn Frey saying goodbye? I relayed the experience to Hubby.


“There I am, listening to the Eagles when something like an Eagle lands near me!” I exclaim.


“Yeah, like an Eagle, except it wasn’t,” he chuckled. Spoiled sport.


I still like my Eagle whether it’s a red-tailed hawk or Glenn Frey.

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